Stephen Sachs’ Fountain Theatre Tackles Racism in ‘Citizen: An American Lyric’

“Recent events have placed the topic of racism firmly in focus once again.  The Fountain Theatre in Los Angeles is addressing this issue with the new play ‘Citizen: An American Lyric,’ playing through Sept. 14.

“The production was adapted by Fountain Theatre’s co-artistic director Stephen Sachs from the acclaimed Claudia Rankine book of the same name”…  “Her book, ‘Citizen: An American Lyric,’ was a winner of the 2014 National Book Critics Circle Award for poetry and a finalist for criticism.

“Sachs had spent more than a year looking for the right production ‘to add the Fountain Theatre’s voice to the national conversation about race,’ because he felt the company could contribute something artistically to the discussion. After reading reviews of Rankine’s book he bought it, and as he read through its pages, Sachs quickly realized that ‘her’s was the voice that I had been looking for.’

“Sachs chose to use only Rankine’s words in his script and approach the process of turning it into a play by thinking of it as a piece of music in terms of solos, duets, trios and an ensemble. The result is an examination of race and racism through vignettes and snapshots employing prose, poetry, movement, music and the visual image”…  “Sachs hopes that after seeing ‘Citizen: An American Lyric,’ audience members will question their own responses to race and racism.”

Read the full story here.

Thomas Gibbons’ UNCANNY VALLEY Premieres in Philadelphia’s InterAct Theatre

Frank X and Sally Mercer in InterAct Theatre´s "Uncanny Valley," which opened Wednesday at the Adrienne.“This delicate, ingenious play is about identity. Are we who we say we are? Or who we’re told we are? Both, though the heartiest put stock in the former rather than the latter,” remarks reviewer David Patrick Steams of the Philadelphia Inquirer.

This two-man play, written by Thomas Gibbons, questions the powers of science and the human brain – just because we have the knowledge and power of science behind us, does that mean that we should use that power?  Sally Mercer plays a scientist, at the forefront, yet older end of her field, and Frank X plays the research project, the robot with “adult intelligence but little knowledge, much awareness but no experience.”

“The well-investigated production directed by Seth Rozin walks as many fine lines as the script. At first, I wondered whether Sally Mercer was too unscarred to be a retirement-age researcher. But while maintaining ultra-professional restraint, Mercer somehow ages before our eyes as her sorrows multiply. Frank X delivers a masterful metamorphosis from cipher to worldly billionaire with hugely resourceful use of vocal color. But his hallmark is where words stop and implication begins. How many actors so eloquently think on stage?”

To read the full review, follow the link to the Philadelphia Inquirer’s article HERE.

4 Stars to THE 12 by Neil Berg at the Denver Center

The cast brings a vigor and inspired diversity of voices to "The 12."

“Something visceral and vivid is taking place at the Denver Center, where the musical THE 12 is receiving its world premiere.  Robert Schenkkan wrote the book and Neil Berg the music. The two share credit for the lyrics of this boldly compassionate work that imagines the disciples’ very human angst in the hours after their teacher was executed.  Let there be long shadows. Let there be anguish and suspicion. Let there be deep fear and hard-wrought faith. So might go the promise of this beautifully performed work.”

Reviewer Lisa Kennedy gives THE 12, a musical explaining the anguish-filled moments after the Disciples learn what has happened to Jesus, a 4-star rating.

To read the full raving review, or to learn more about ticket information and the musical, click HERE.


“Get Swept Into” Robson’s PLAYING THE ASSASSIN

Hartford, CT – “Get swept into the devastating verbal and physical encounter between two men determined to put the past at rest by whatever means at their disposal.”

David Robson‘s PLAYING THE ASSASSIN, based on the true story from 1978, when Oakland Raider star Jack Tatum tackled New England Patriot wide receiver Daryl Stingley with such force that Stingley never walked again. Here, the action picks up two and a half decades later, when Frank Baker is given a golden opportunity: CBS wants him for a pre-Super Bowl interview where, for the first time, he will confront Lyle Turner on air.

To read the full review and for ticketing information, please follow the story HERE.