Conceived and directed by Stephen Sachs, the work follows an 18 year-old who turned in his father to the FBI via public statements and official court transcripts.
By Logan Culwell-Block August 20, 2024 for
A new verbatim theatre play, titled Fatherland and centered on the January 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol, will make an Off-Broadway debut this fall at New York City Center Stage II. The concept is from Stephen Sachs, who is also directing.
Performances will run September 18-November 23, with opening night set for September 26.
The work uses public statements, case evidence, and official court transcripts to explore the true story of an 18 year-old who turned in his father to the FBI following the latter’s violent participation in the January 6 attack. The Off-Broadway debut follows a run at Los Angeles’ Fountain Theatre.
The full cast from the California production will reprise their performances Off-Broadway, including Ron Bottitta as Father, Patrick Keleher as Son, Anna Khaja as U.S. Attorney, and Larry Poindexter as Defense Attorney.
The production features scenic design by Joel David, lighting design by Alison Brummer, sound design by Stewart Blackwood, and costume design by Danyele Thomas. Evan Bernardin Productions is general managing. Judy Miller, J. Todd Harris / Amy Powers, Karen Kondazian, Jenny Warburg, and Sonia Friedman Productions are producing.
“Fatherland is the true story of a young man who must summon the moral courage to speak the truth at the risk of upending his life and casting his family into turmoil,” says Sachs in a statement. “Unlike characters in a scripted play, the people you meet in Fatherland are not made up. They are real. … In this urgent election year, when the fate of our nation teeters before us, Fatherland reminds us of the human cost of cult worship and dangerous ideology. A warning cry for our country, at its core, Fatherland brings home the struggle of a father and son, each called to take action without losing his soul. What would you do?”
Tickets are available at